5日至6日,双方进行学术交流,我方林清泉、苏慧娟、孙逊分别作了“The catalytic behavior in dry and wet conditions of Au/Al-based catalysts for the reaction of CO oxidation in air” , “Long-term stability testing results in O2-rich and CO2-rich for 9 TMU gold catalysts”,“One-pot fabrication of core-shell fly ash@polypyrrole/Au composite microspheres and their performance for the reduction of nitrophenol” 的报告,并将项目的进展情况进行了介绍。针对所做工作,Haruta教授及课题组成员给予了肯定,并对细节进行讨论。随后,日方也向中心人员介绍了目前的部分工作,如“CO oxidation on metal oxide-supported gold catalysts: Correlation between the catalytic activity and metal-oxygen binding energy of supports”、“Low Temperature CO Oxidation over Polyoxometalate-Supported Gold Clusters”等。在此基础上,双方讨论并制定了项目的下一步实验计划。